Winstat Reports

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Last 75 events

Time Name Machine Desc User Sess CPU
03/12/25 07:03:42 PM firefox WINSTAT-205 Started PRIMO\pmulder2 9
03/12/25 07:03:41 PM python WINSTAT-202 Started PRIMO\chan74 39
03/12/25 07:03:40 PM conhost WINSTAT-202 Started PRIMO\chan74 39
03/12/25 07:03:40 PM cmd WINSTAT-202 Started PRIMO\chan74 39
03/12/25 07:03:35 PM msedge WINSTAT-208 Ended PRIMO\shost 6 109
03/12/25 07:03:34 PM conhost WINSTAT-202 Ended PRIMO\ji53 38 62
03/12/25 07:03:34 PM python WINSTAT-202 Ended PRIMO\ji53 38 31
03/12/25 07:03:34 PM conhost WINSTAT-202 Ended PRIMO\ji53 38 62
03/12/25 07:03:34 PM python WINSTAT-202 Ended PRIMO\ji53 38 4750
03/12/25 07:03:34 PM cmd WINSTAT-202 Ended PRIMO\ji53 38 94
03/12/25 07:03:34 PM conhost WINSTAT-202 Started PRIMO\ji53 38
03/12/25 07:03:34 PM python WINSTAT-202 Started PRIMO\ji53 38
03/12/25 07:03:34 PM python WINSTAT-202 Ended PRIMO\ji53 38 4656
03/12/25 07:03:33 PM firefox WINSTAT-204 Ended PRIMO\awarner7 2 203
03/12/25 07:03:29 PM firefox WINSTAT-S235 Ended PRIMO\boschetti 27 156
03/12/25 07:03:26 PM conhost WINSTAT-203 Ended PRIMO\sguo88 5 78
03/12/25 07:03:26 PM cmd WINSTAT-203 Ended PRIMO\sguo88 5 62
03/12/25 07:03:26 PM python WINSTAT-203 Ended PRIMO\sguo88 5 5359
03/12/25 07:03:26 PM python WINSTAT-203 Ended PRIMO\sguo88 5 5328
03/12/25 07:03:22 PM python WINSTAT-202 Started PRIMO\ji53 38
03/12/25 07:03:14 PM firefox WINSTAT-203 Ended PRIMO\ndao3 7 250
03/12/25 07:03:14 PM python WINSTAT-203 Started PRIMO\sguo88 5
03/12/25 07:03:11 PM python WINSTAT-202 Started PRIMO\ji53 38
03/12/25 07:03:11 PM firefox WINSTAT-205 Ended PRIMO\pmulder2 9 141
03/12/25 07:03:10 PM conhost WINSTAT-202 Started PRIMO\ji53 38
03/12/25 07:03:10 PM cmd WINSTAT-202 Started PRIMO\ji53 38
03/12/25 07:03:07 PM firefox WINSTAT-215 Ended PRIMO\elee73 7 94
03/12/25 07:03:06 PM python WINSTAT-208 Ended PRIMO\lu378 16 4203
03/12/25 07:03:06 PM python WINSTAT-208 Ended PRIMO\lu378 16 4156
03/12/25 07:03:06 PM conda WINSTAT-208 Ended PRIMO\lu378 16 31
03/12/25 07:03:06 PM conhost WINSTAT-208 Ended PRIMO\lu378 16 47
03/12/25 07:03:06 PM cmd WINSTAT-208 Ended PRIMO\lu378 16 78
03/12/25 07:03:05 PM msedge WINSTAT-208 Started PRIMO\shost 6
03/12/25 07:03:03 PM conhost WINSTAT-202 Ended PRIMO\chan74 39 31
03/12/25 07:03:03 PM python WINSTAT-202 Ended PRIMO\chan74 39 5359
03/12/25 07:03:03 PM cmd WINSTAT-202 Ended PRIMO\chan74 39 47
03/12/25 07:03:02 PM python WINSTAT-203 Started PRIMO\sguo88 5
03/12/25 07:03:01 PM conhost WINSTAT-203 Started PRIMO\sguo88 5
03/12/25 07:03:01 PM cmd WINSTAT-203 Started PRIMO\sguo88 5
03/12/25 07:03:00 PM backgroundTaskHost WINSTAT-208 Ended PRIMO\shost 6 109
03/12/25 07:03:00 PM backgroundTaskHost WINSTAT-208 Started PRIMO\shost 6
03/12/25 07:02:55 PM python WINSTAT-208 Started PRIMO\lu378 16
03/12/25 07:02:51 PM Acrobat WINSTAT-209 Ended PRIMO\noghanibeha... 17 359
03/12/25 07:02:51 PM Acrobat WINSTAT-209 Ended PRIMO\noghanibeha... 17 203
03/12/25 07:02:49 PM Acrobat WINSTAT-209 Started PRIMO\noghanibeha... 17
03/12/25 07:02:49 PM Acrobat WINSTAT-209 Started PRIMO\noghanibeha... 17
03/12/25 07:02:46 PM conhost WINSTAT-205 Ended PRIMO\mwan9 11 109
03/12/25 07:02:46 PM cmd WINSTAT-205 Ended PRIMO\mwan9 11 156
03/12/25 07:02:46 PM Bginfo64 WINSTAT-205 Ended PRIMO\mwan9 11 391
03/12/25 07:02:45 PM python WINSTAT-208 Started PRIMO\lu378 16
03/12/25 07:02:45 PM conda WINSTAT-208 Started PRIMO\lu378 16
03/12/25 07:02:45 PM conhost WINSTAT-208 Started PRIMO\lu378 16
03/12/25 07:02:44 PM Bginfo64 WINSTAT-205 Started PRIMO\mwan9 11
03/12/25 07:02:44 PM cmd WINSTAT-208 Started PRIMO\lu378 16
03/12/25 07:02:44 PM TSTheme WINSTAT-205 Ended PRIMO\mwan9 11 78
03/12/25 07:02:41 PM firefox WINSTAT-S235 Ended PRIMO\boschetti 27 156
03/12/25 07:02:41 PM powershell WINSTAT-205 Ended PRIMO\mwan9 11 625
03/12/25 07:02:40 PM python WINSTAT-202 Started PRIMO\chan74 39
03/12/25 07:02:40 PM powershell WINSTAT-205 Started PRIMO\mwan9 11
03/12/25 07:02:40 PM conhost WINSTAT-202 Started PRIMO\chan74 39
03/12/25 07:02:40 PM cmd WINSTAT-202 Started PRIMO\chan74 39
03/12/25 07:02:39 PM conhost WINSTAT-205 Started PRIMO\mwan9 11
03/12/25 07:02:39 PM cmd WINSTAT-205 Started PRIMO\mwan9 11
03/12/25 07:02:39 PM fontdrvhost WINSTAT-205 Ended FONT DRIVER HOST\... 15 47
03/12/25 07:02:39 PM LogonUI WINSTAT-205 Ended NT AUTHORITY\system 11 391
03/12/25 07:02:39 PM dwm WINSTAT-205 Ended WINDOW MANAGER\dw... 15 172
03/12/25 07:02:39 PM winlogon WINSTAT-205 Ended NT AUTHORITY\system 15 141
03/12/25 07:02:38 PM CtxGfx WINSTAT-205 Ended NT AUTHORITY\system 15 172
03/12/25 07:02:38 PM LogonUI WINSTAT-205 Ended NT AUTHORITY\system 15 453
03/12/25 07:02:38 PM firefox WINSTAT-215 Started PRIMO\elee73 7
03/12/25 07:02:38 PM WINSTAT-205 SessionUnlock PRIMO\mwan9 11
03/12/25 07:02:38 PM WINSTAT-205 RemoteConnect PRIMO\mwan9 11
03/12/25 07:02:38 PM TSTheme WINSTAT-205 Started PRIMO\mwan9 11
03/12/25 07:02:38 PM WINSTAT-205 RemoteDisconnect 15
03/12/25 07:02:36 PM CtxGfx WINSTAT-205 Started NT AUTHORITY\system 15
459 million total events